Satawal Ways

Ofanuw (Island Looking)

Ofanuw (or wofanu) is a way of remembering the star paths to certain islands. The student chooses an island. Using that island as the centre, he goes around the star compass and chants GLOSSARY chants - sings, says all the islands that lie in each direction: “I sit on Satawal. I go rising Mailap to Chuuk.” This forms an island chart in his mind. He does this with all the islands: “I sit on Chuuk. I go setting Mailap to Satawal.”

Later, he learns to include reefs GLOSSARY reefs - areas of rock or coral below the surface of the water and then living sea marks. In the evening in the ut, the older men test the younger men and each other. It’s endless practice!


Maverick Eranginug points out the directions of the islands around Satawal.